25 Jahre Norbert Conrad GmbH
Norbert Conrad: "25 Jahre CONTRA – eine spannende Reise im speziellen Sicherheitsgeschäft… Danke!"
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ACTUAL state of the safety measures

CONTRA recorded the complete safety of your business processes and provides you with the findings in report form.

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More security by trained personnel

Prepare your employees for dangerous situations through targeted training.

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Get an overview

CONTRA developed complex security concepts in a variety of sectors of the economy.

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Risk analysis

Risk analysis
Evaluation of the risk of non-life companies

CONTRA identified and assessed the risk of damage by companies to protect against burglary, assault and damage trust.

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Security concepts

Security concepts
Safety can be planned

Relevant safety measures against malicious attacks, as well as the safety of persons are to be understood superficially in our security concepts.

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Harm Reduction

CONTRA as a security service provider offers investigative activities in different sectors.

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CONTRA Sicherheitsrevision

CONTRA Sicherheitsrevision
Norbert Conrad GmbH

Hafenstraße 4a
17192 Klink

Phone: +49 3991 182 39-0
Mail: info@contra-riskmanagement.com

Norbert Conrad | Silke Conrad
Phone: +49 3991 182 39-0
Mail: info@contra-riskmanagement.com

Register entry:
Register Court Neubrandenburg
Register Number: HRB 20036


psn media GmbH & Co. KG

psn media GmbH & Co. KG

Steinstraße 6
18055 Rostock

Phone: 0381 - 44 44 18 43
Fax: 0381 - 44 44 18 41

Mail: info@psnmedia.de
Internet: http://www.psnmedia.de

Legal information:
psn media GmbH & Co. KG
represented by Lange & Neschanjan GmbH
this in turn individual represented by the managers Mr. Carsten Lange & Mr. Alexander Neschanjan
commercial register: HRA 3289, local court Rostock
tax number: 079/161/28600, tax-ID: DE280960608
Managers: Carsten Lange & Alexander Neschanjan

Individual Liable Partner:
Lange & Neschanjan GmbH, Steinstraße 6, 18055 Rostock
Commercial register: HRB 12116, local court Rostock, tax number: 079/113/01452, tax-ID: DE280960608
Managers: Carsten Lange & Alexander Neschanjan

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